Zund S3 Z16 karbidové čepele oscilačního nože 54° úhel řezu pro měkké materiály - 3910306
Esko Kongsberg karbidové čepele oscilačního nože G42441212 42441212 BLD-SF216 i-216
Oscilační čepele iEcho Carbide Drag E16
Čepele oscilačního nože Mécanuméric Carbide Drag 100610440
Oscilační čepele nožů z tvrdokovu Bullmer B16 (069731)----------------------------------------------------http://www.china-oyea.com/
Shenzhen Oyea Machinery Co., Ltd.
For all enquiries and quotations please contact us. We endeavor to reply to you within 12 hours.
Shenzhen Oyea Machinery Co., Ltd.

No. 2008 , Shennan Road , Futian District, Shenzhen
518026, China

info@china-oyea.com (Priority use)
1659590865@qq.com (Paypal account)


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Shenzhen Oyea Machinery Co., Ltd.

No. 2008 , Shennan Road , Futian District, Shenzhen
518026, China

info@china-oyea.com (Priority use)
1659590865@qq.com (Paypal account)

2D bar code